A Spy’s Guide To Spy Movies: Ronin
Before I joined, the CIA’s Head of Recruitment recommended I watch Ronin to learn something about the life of a spy. It’s a story set in...

China’s President Talks About Zero-Sum Games (And Negotiation)
Recently, China President Xi Jinping gave a speech about China’s place in the world. He talked about Zero-Sum Games and (implicitly)...

What Russians Think About A Spy's Guide To Thinking + Strategy
Russian publishing house Alpina (Russian publisher of Malcolm Gladwell, Stephen Covey, and many others) has translated and combined A...

A Spy's Career Tied To History
This is one in a series of Spy's Guide book reviews. For more, see spysguide.com/blog Jack Devine, Good Hunting: An American Spymaster's...

Day Of The Endgame
When you’re figuring out the other side’s strategy, you start with their Endgame. That’s because most people follow the first rule of...

Bin Laden Before And After 9/11
When Bin Laden attacked on 9/11, a lot of people said we should have seen it coming. He had declared war on the United States in 1996. He...