The Heuristics Of Risk
Working with risk is complicated. If you work in law enforcement or the military, you’ve got spreadsheets and computers and checklists to...

China’s President Talks About Zero-Sum Games (And Negotiation)
Recently, China President Xi Jinping gave a speech about China’s place in the world. He talked about Zero-Sum Games and (implicitly)...
Games In The Office
In the Spy's Guide books, Positive-Sum Games and Zero-Sum Games are a simple way to develop effective strategies. Author Chris Illuminati...

What Russians Think About A Spy's Guide To Thinking + Strategy
Russian publishing house Alpina (Russian publisher of Malcolm Gladwell, Stephen Covey, and many others) has translated and combined A...
Good Data For What I Write Next
The Data-Analysis-Decision-Action process in A Spy’s Guide To Thinking isn’t static. It isn’t something you do one time. It’s born from...

A Mistake Writers Make
If you’re a reader, you’ve probably read a book by Malcolm Gladwell. Either his bestsellers The Tipping Point, Outliers or his more...

A Spy's Career Tied To History
This is one in a series of Spy's Guide book reviews. For more, see spysguide.com/blog Jack Devine, Good Hunting: An American Spymaster's...